The story is set on Midsummer’s Eve, when the mysterious military unit takes over a peaceful seaside town. All data networks are disrupted, and the region falls silent. The motives and the origin of the enemy remain shrouded in mystery, with the whole of Europe being taken by surprise and under shock. Local residents turn into hostages, including 21-year-old Annika Berg, who is doing her military service. In seconds, her military exercise turns into a real crisis, involving actual casualties. Is this an isolated incident, or the first step to push the world into a new global conflict?
8.0 嫁給雜種[電影解說]
2.0 夜母2024[電影解說]
2.0 正念謀殺[電影解說]
7.0 一樹桃花開[電影解說]
8.0 八角籠中【影視解說】
2023 影視解說簡介: 貌不驚人的沙廠老板向騰輝(王寶強 飾)曾經(jīng)是一名技術精湛、潛力無限的格斗選手,但因聽信教練的話吃了違禁藥品遭到禁賽,之后更因傷人鋃鐺入獄。從此他遠離擂臺,離年少時的夢想越來越遠。偶然機緣,向騰輝在江湖騙子的幫助下重新接觸格斗,成立了一個少兒格斗俱樂部。他跑到偏遠山區(qū)找來了野蠻生長打架搶劫的未成年兒童,教他們打拳掙錢,更為賺錢不擇手段打假拳。而在這狼奔豕突的歲月里,向騰輝從孩子們的身上看到了自己當初的影子,他更不愿意少年們重新過回偷雞摸狗的絕望日子。為此,他義無反顧帶著少年走上了與命運抗爭的八角擂臺…… 本片以四川涼山“格斗孤兒”的真實事件為藍本改編。 -
6.0 獵龍王[電影解說]